Archive for the 'Surf' Category
In the mid Atlantic the Azores are an almost untouched natural paradise, with some of the best wine and fish in the world. Volcanoes are viewable while surfing incredible waves.
ArcticTropic links to 3 adventure travel destinations in Portugal and its’ territories.. CLICK HERE.
The country that bought you bungee jumping now presents the ZORB – a new way to bounce unimpeded down a hill.
Except for Antarctica, New Zealand is as far as one can travel from Europe or North America. Nowhere else in the world does such dramatic Alpine scenery meet South Pacific panoramas. Heliskiing, snowboarding, and surfing can all be done on the same day.
ArcticTropic currently l links to 3 Kiwi destinations, with room for many more. Visit the New Zealand link HERE.
Only two hours from Miami – an incredibly cheap, unspoiled volcanic paradise with the Caribbean on one side and the Pacific not far away on the Western side – with some of the best sport fishing and warm water surfing in the world.
ArcticTropic currently l links to 4 Nicaraguan destinations, with room for many more. Visit the Nicaragua link HERE.
Morocco is a great adventure paradise because of the close proximity to Europe. Excellent surfing, mountain climbing (even some skiing) trekking the Western Sahara as well as the Rif and High Atlas mountains are all possible within a few days.
ArcticTropic currently features 3 Moroccan destinations, with room for many more. Click HERE to visit the Morocco page directly.
The Middle East meets the Mediterranean providing a great adventure mix – skiing in Baalbek, sailing and surfing in Beirut – often on the same day. Even during wartime outbreaks, most of the country is relatively peaceful.
ArcticTropic currently has three locations in Lebanon – with room for many more! Go HERE to visit the sites directly.
2008 saw several trips to the Far South. Above, a forest road in Southern Chile. In March.
Surf in Pichelemu, Chile. March.
Western Argentina highway – March.
Mexico – June.
El Popo Volcano – Mexico , June.
Pie de la Cuesta , Mexico – June.
Pie de la Cuesta , Mexico – June.
Jalapão, Tocantins,Brazil – August.
Jalapão, Tocantins,Brazil – August.
Rafting, Rio Novo ,Brazil – September.
Night forest fire,Jalapão, Tocantins,Brazil – September.
São Paulo,Brazil – September.
Andes crossing – Chile to Argentina – November.
Mendoza, Argentina – November.
Springtime – Mendoza, Argentina – November.
Cafayate, Argentina – November.
Salta, Argentina – November.
Buenos Aires, Argentina – November.
2009 plans include Asia and the Middle East.
Guadeloupe , in the French Carribbean, is known for tranquil waters. However, at this time of year – crystal clear waves are generated by distant weather systems, far from the tropic paradise.
These photos are courtesy of Cristina Gonzalez Rodriguez,
an American who has lived all over the world, now living
in Guadeloupe and always traveling extensively.
On Saturday morning we drove one of the world’s best highways – Autopista 95 – 368 kilometers from Mexico City to Acapulco. We started from Cuernavaca, about 85 km from the DF. Because of the very high cost – over $55 to drive the whole length – few people can afford to use it , making the Autopista seem like a private highway. From the high cold Metropolis, to tropical Pacific beaches , through mountains,forests and desert – the entire trip takes about 3 .5 hours ( many people drive at well over 160 kph ) as opposed to 8 hours on the free highway. Due to YouTube upload problems, this is a video of a video.
Calatrava style bridges over the arroyos.
An old,but daring standby – the Acapulco Cliff Divers – this man is diving from 155 feet. The divers pray to statues of The Virgin beforehand. Due to YouTube upload problems, this is a video of a video.
Waves smash into sea caves.
A sunset horseback ride on the beach at Pie De La Cuesta, where we stayed at the very excellent Hotel Casa Blanca – whom we hope soon will be an ArcticTropic partner once booking begins in two weeks.
Pictures and video by Nicholas Zuver.
ArcticTropic has many adventure links in Mexico. Click HERE.
Waves roll in from the Antarctic. The Humboldt Current keeps water temperatures in the 50s year-round.
Pichilemu is one of the world’s top surf hotspots. It’s about 3 hours from Santiago. The town has the ambiance of California in about 1960.
The picture will be upright later.
For over 70 Chilean Adventure destinations on Arctic Tropic click here.
Surf, volcanoes jungles only two hours from Miami in a country the size of New Jersey.ArcticTropic currently has three locations.