Archive for the 'Surf' Category

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The legendary Bondi Icebergs Pool, over 80 years old, is carved into rocks by the roaring South Pacific. At 50 meters long, ArcticTropic recuperated from the 15.5 hour flight in United’s tiny seats with a 40 lap – 2 km swim. Upload speeds here in Australia have been rather slow, but more videos are coming soon.

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Cold Northern winds blowing over the tropical Gulf Stream kick up the waves in South Florida.

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One week in Namibia barely scratches the surface. ArcticTropic was there in October, 2013 for the Adventure Travel Trade Association annual conferences in the capital city of Windhoek and the small seaside city of Swakopmund. At least weeks is needed to see the country properly.

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After Namibia , ArcticTropic had less than a week to explore the vast territory of South Africa. 3 days in Cape Town was plenty, but the 1000 mile,1600 km journey back to Johannesburg via the Wynlands,the Great Karoo and the South Coast was quite a feat, meaning many hours in the car.

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Long Beach at Kommetjie is just south of Hout’s Bay – that often has the biggest surf in the world – 25 meters in the winter. On this day it was tranquil, with only 1 to 2 meters. While the water looks tropical – it is not, only about 15 C ( 59 F ). Lots more edited footage to follow.

Sep 23rd
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Last week ArcticTropic headed to San Francisco on business – to explore financial opportunities that will allow us to expand exponentially.  Since natural beauty abounds everywhere – it was easy to get great footage without traveling too far from the various meeting places.

Coming back into the City from Marin County at sunset. September is summer in the Bay Area – the normal cold grey cloak of fog lifts for a couple of months, allowing for spectacular views.

Sunset Over The Pacific.

The America’s Cup Yachts In Port.

Oracle Ahead – From the St.Francis Yacht Club.

On The Way – Chicago, before a change at O’Hare.

On The Way – Mono Lake, California – Nevada in the Distance.

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Green World Adventures, in Costa Rica is one of ArcticTropic’s featured providers. As it is now the summer low season, prices are lower than in the peak winter months.

Some of the more high end trips feature luxury accommodations – great to relax after a day in the jungles and on the beaches.

Costa Rica is so close to the US – 5 hours from New York or California – only 2 hours from Miami. It is also one of the safest countries in the Western Hemisphere.

You can book directly right now by CLICKING HERE.

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An ArcticTropic traveller, Margaret Corbet, of Ft. Lauderdale and Green Turtle Cay in the Abacos took these great surf pictures from Green Turtle this weekend.

The normally placid waters were stirred up by a large Atlantic storms that sent huge swells up and down the entire East Coast of the US.

Bahamian waters are still very warm, in the low 80’s ( 27 C) and rarely drop below the mid 70s.

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The Philippines offer extreme adventure and incredible vistas . The island nation is easily accessible from Hong Kong for shorter getaways and is well worth the trip from Europe and North America for longer expeditions.  Above is a volcanic lake not far from Mt.Pinatubo.

Palawan, Northeast of Borneo in the South China Sea is excellent for mountaineering and diving . The Coral Reefs are pristine and mostly undisturbed.

ArcticTropic will be adding several new providers in the Philippines today. Reminder to current providers : Keep your websites up to date, or you lose your opportunity to reach our adventurers !

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Yesterday’s Midwest Cyclone packed 70 mile per hour winds from North Dakota to New York State. Lake Michigan,home to the best fresh water surfing in the world,had waves approaching 12 feet. Ingrid Lindfors, a top surfer and professional photographer took these photos in her hometown of Grand Haven.

Grand Haven features many tournaments throughout the year.

The best way out to the waves. To see more of Ingrid’s photography visit her Website – Ingrid Lindfors Photography.